School Council
The School Council represents the children of St Francis school. We are elected by our peers and two Prefects are attached to each class. We lead our classes to assembly and feed back information from our Council Meetings. At our meetings we report on what has happened in our classes and anything that needs to be improved. As part of our role we try to come up with fun ideas to help raise money for the school and also for different charities.
Each day Prefects carry out their duties, helping with the younger children. We are there to help and to listen to ideas. We can also act as a link between the pupils and the staff.
We also have playground leaders from year five who go into the infants during break time and act as ‘buddies’ to children who have no one to play with. They also lead games, chat to pupils and generally keep them company.They have a rota and take it in turns to do their duties.