Our Mission Statement
St Francis’ Catholic Primary School
Respect ~ Reflect ~ Achieve ~ Grow
To provide an excellent education and wider opportunities where all members of our school community will grow and realise their potential through encouragement and perseverance in a safe environment.
In God’s love and inspired by our faith, we respect, reflect, achieve and grow together.
Mission Statement
Through God’s love and with guidance from the Holy Spirit, we the St Francis’ Community, share our Catholic Faith. We seek to nurture in our school family an understanding of the importance of Christian values, forgiveness and reconciliation and a deep love and lifelong commitment to God.
At St Francis’, all members of our school community value and develop the unique strengths and gifts of one another and of our pupils. We strive to provide an excellent education and wider opportunities for the children entrusted to us, so that our pupils may grow and realise their potential through self-belief, perseverance and resilience.
Staff, Families, Governors and Parishes work in partnership and, inspired by our faith, we support the children of St Francis’. We encourage everyone to shine, to have pride in their achievements, to show concern for others and to contribute to society as responsible citizens.
Our Aims
To develop and achieve our Mission and ethos through the partnership and commitment of all Staff, Families, Governors and Parishes in our St Francis’ Catholic Primary School community.
Together, we aim:
- To appreciate that we are all uniquely created and loved by God.
- To work in partnership with our whole school community to deepen everyone’s understanding of the Catholic faith and to create a Christian atmosphere enriched through prayer.
- To nurture in our whole school community an understanding of Christian values and how these help shape our lives and the lives of others.
- To understand the importance of forgiveness and reconciliation.
- To provide an excellent education and positive learning environment so our pupils realise their potential and have pride in their achievements.
- To encourage our pupils to participate fully and take responsibility for their learning, and to persevere, develop as resilient and independent learners, learn through their mistakes and always try to do their best.
- To value and build respectful relationships, bringing together staff, pupils, parents and our governing body with shared goals and aspirations.
- To be mindful of everyone’s wellbeing and to care for one another in a happy, welcoming and nurturing community.
- To ensure all in our St Francis’ community care and respect others, develop an understanding of the world and contribute to society as responsible citizens.
- To provide equal opportunities for all regardless of religion, gender, ethnicity or ability.