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St. Francis' Catholic Primary School

"For it is in giving that we receive." St. Francis of Assisi

Mental Health & Wellbeing

At St Francis we pride ourselves on our core values of building relationships, loving each other as Jesus loves us and supporting and challenging each and every one  of our children to Thrive.  We place a huge value on relationships and restorative practices, which demonstrate the importance of building strong relationships, maintaining and repairing them to ensure the well-being of all our pupils. This is at the heart of what we do.

We ensure that our children first and foremost feel safe before they start to learn. We understand the importance of children feeling that they are seen and heard, greeting every child every morning on the gate and at classroom doors. We value every interaction with our children. This is what drives us to ensure that each child feels they are able to reach their full potential and that we believe in them. Ensuring that children’s emotional needs are met before any learning takes place.

The mental health and wellbeing of our pupils, families and staff is of great importance to us. Through our curriculum we offer a wide range of opportunities for children to develop self-help skills so that they grow to be able to independently manage their wellbeing. By working together, we hope to encourage children, their families and our entire school community to be their own mental health and wellbeing engineers, building in opportunities to support one another.

This year we have trained 50 Year 5 and 6 Wellbeing Ambassadors using Eikon, a local charity. They will be helping on both the KS1 and KS2 playground at playtimes, greeting children as ‘Morning greeters’ and meeting regularly to discuss ideas and run wellbeing initiatives. Please look out for the children in their * sashes.

Elkon is an award-winning charity that has been working in local Surrey communities for over two decades.  We provide long-term support to some of the county’s most vulnerable young people.  Our vision is to develop happy, thriving and resilient young adults who make a positive contribution to society. Eikon regularly run parent workshops and outreach to families.