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St. Francis' Catholic Primary School

"For it is in giving that we receive." St. Francis of Assisi

Our Clubs

Please check the finish dates for all clubs on the timetable below and make a note of it, as some start and finish before others.

  • Please do not book and then swap with other parents. Please contact the office. 
  • Most of the internal clubs have limited spaces. If you cannot book a club online it means it is full.
  • Please book and deal directly with external club providers.
  • Please make sure that you are prompt in picking your child up. Persistent lateness could result in your child losing their place in the club.
  • If you have children who are in two different clubs on the same day, please make sure that  you pick up from the earlier club on time.  A sibling from an earlier finishing club cannot go and wait for the other sibling in the later finishing club.

PLEASE NOTE; The School Leadership Team and the Governing Body regularly review Clubs and Lettings.  Whilst the School endeavours to keep Clubs settled, lettings are always subject to change on a termly basis, and alterations are made from time to time for various reasons